30 December 2005

2005-12-31 Windy and her two Babies, Elnorra (11 months old) and "Harvey" (made in 1958)

18 December 2005

Elnorra's first Christmas. We are at a Church Christmas dinner and our friend, Fion Tsai, saw Elnorra eying her pie and she shared quite graciously especially concidering that Elnorra ate 3/4 of that piece of pie, and wanted more!

2005-12-18 Elnorra 10 1/2 Months Old First Christmas Eating Fion's Pie

04 November 2005

We borrowed this cute spider costume from a friend. Can you believe she's already 9 months old? Half her life has now been outside
the womb! Amazing stuff. She's friendly, cuddly and loves making motor sounds when she is playing by herself! *vroom, vroom*

2005-11-04 Elnorra 9 Months Old in a Spider Costume

30 October 2005

Elnorra wasn't to pleased when we took her swimming for the first time! Mom and dad had fun anyway and boy was it nice to cool off and avoid most of the mosquitoes!

She is now a mobile little girl and proficient at a one knee one foot crawl as well as pulling to a stand on anything that stays still long enough. Yep, mom and dad are now Elnorra stabilizers and we have to be careful before we try to walk anywhere around the house. She can navigate over all the 3" door jams throughout the house so she can follow us anywhere she wants. She has also decided that, at 9 months, "solid" food is a good idea after all and sweet potatoes are her favorite, she'll eat those right up, but carrots, no thank you!

We just spent a week babysitting for a family of 8. Dad, mom and their 14 month old baby were in the states to help with a family emergency and we took over to make a new family. Elnorra fit right in and I'm sure she is now going to miss having all the "older siblings" around to pay so much attention to her. Ben and I will miss the 12, 10, 8, 6, and almost 4, year old children very much but we won't miss Ben's 1 1/4 hour commute and Windy's awful cold from being around 4 schools worth of germs!

07 October 2005

2005-10-07 Elnorra 8 Months Old Snoozin with Fion Tsai

09 September 2005

2005-09-09 Elnorra 7 Months Old "Look Ma, 2 Hands"

27 August 2005

13 August 2005

12 August 2005

2005-08-12 Elnorra 6 1/2 Months Old

11 August 2005

Elnorra is now 7 months old and though it was cute to try to feed her bananas but she really hasn't taken to eating "solids", so we offer them to her once in a while. She is quite a chubby baby and no one who sees her is worried about her getting enough to eat.

We often get unsolicited advice that she should have been on solids ages ago, our downstairs neighbor even bought us bibs.....a direct hint that we are not raising our child well. We do have a very kind and thoughtful neighbor though and we are really grateful for all she has done for us. Besides one can never have enough bibs when trying to feed a baby and Elnorra will want real food soon enough!

She is showing signs that she will soon be crawling. She can move quite a bit on her tummy, and scoot backwards when sitting. Then I will really learn how to baby-proof even though I tried to start our apartment out in a baby safe manner.

2005-08-11 Elnorra's First Food (Posed)

05-08-11 Elnorra's First Food (Banana)

06 August 2005

26 July 2005


See how I have grown! The pretty pink footsie doesn't really fit any more!

See How I've Grown 2005-02-18 Elnorra 2 Weeks Old in Pink Footsie

See How I've Grown 2005-04-05 Elnorra 2 Months Old in Pink Footsie

2005-07-26 Elnorra 6 Months Old in Pink Footsie (barely)

23 July 2005

2005-07-23 Elnorra 24 Weeks Old for Green Card

19 July 2005


She turned 5 months old on the 4th of July and has been sitting up with growing consistency since then. She has been able to roll over and incidentally off our bed (air mattress on the floor, a 6" fall) for a few weeks. (Ouch, we try to
catch her... but sometimes we are too asleep). She is learning to grab things, can entertain herself for nearly an hour with or so without toys, and boy is she a talker. She is having so much fun figuring out what her vocal chords are for.

11 July 2005

05 July 2005

2005-07-05 Elnorra 5 Months Old Sitting Up

03 July 2005

27 June 2005

2005-06-27 Elnorra 20 Weeks Old in Her Exersaucer

18 June 2005

2005-06-18 Elnorra 19 Weeks Old with Mom

07 June 2005

2005-06-07 Elnorra 18 Weeks Old Space Maker

04 June 2005

On the 26th of May 2005 we flew from LA to Taipei, Taiwan. Elnorra is just the best conversation starter ever as endless people come and tell us she is "so cute" in Chinese, all levels of English.

Her earrings are a big attention getter. Apparently there is a superstition here that if you have large ear-lobes you will be prosperous. But we have condemned our girl to poverty by piercing her ears. Funny how 2/3 of the Taiwanese women have pierced ears themselves and make a big fuss over Elnorra's.

31 May 2005

2005-05-31 Elnorra 17 Weeks Old as a Little Puddle

25 May 2005

20 May 2005

2005-05-20 Elnorra 15 Weeks Old with Krista Bawden

16 May 2005

10 May 2005

2005-05-10 Grampa Shaffer and Twisty Elnorra

04 May 2005

29 April 2005

2005-04-29 Elnorra 12 Weeks Old Decked Out in Winnie-the-Pooh Clothes

23 April 2005

2005-04-23 Elnorra 11 Weeks Matching Mommy

18 April 2005

08 April 2005

05 April 2005

2005-04-05 Elnorra 2 Months Old Her ears were pierced by our friend April Varga who works for Wal-mart

2005-04-05 Elnorra 2 Months Old in Pink Footsie

03 April 2005

27 March 2005

2005-03-27 Elnorra 7 Weeks Old with Bunny Ears

20 March 2005

2005-03-20 Elnorra 6 Weeks Old Held by Krista Bawden

12 March 2005

07 March 2005

2005-03-07 Elnorra Chilling Out

2005-03-07 Elnorra 4+ Weeks Old Cradle

06 March 2005

25 February 2005

18 February 2005

2005-02-18 Elnorra 2 Weeks Old In Pink Footsie

11 February 2005

2005-02-11 Elnorra 1 Week Old with Cute Hands

04 February 2005

Birth Announcememt

Elnorra, n. [Hebrew, Greek - Lenore, French-Eleanor]
The light of God. Among her name sakes are one of Windy’s best friends, Nita Lenore Bruce (1975-2001), and grandmother Eleanor Rosalie Hedeen Johnson (1902-1998).

Elizabeth, n. [Hebrew]
1. God saves my house.
2. Windy’s middle name.

Shaffer, n. [German] A shepherd.

Elnorra Elizabeth Shaffer, proper noun [American] A daughter born on the 4th of February 2005 to Benjamin and Windy Shaffer at 11:22 am. She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 ½ inches. She brings reverie, responsibility, reality, and rejoicing.

2005-02-04 Elnorra's Face 10 Hours Old

2005-02-04 Elnorra 10 Hours Old

21 January 2005

2005-01-21 Windy 8 1/2 Months Pregnant