25 February 2005

18 February 2005

2005-02-18 Elnorra 2 Weeks Old In Pink Footsie

11 February 2005

2005-02-11 Elnorra 1 Week Old with Cute Hands

04 February 2005

Birth Announcememt

Elnorra, n. [Hebrew, Greek - Lenore, French-Eleanor]
The light of God. Among her name sakes are one of Windy’s best friends, Nita Lenore Bruce (1975-2001), and grandmother Eleanor Rosalie Hedeen Johnson (1902-1998).

Elizabeth, n. [Hebrew]
1. God saves my house.
2. Windy’s middle name.

Shaffer, n. [German] A shepherd.

Elnorra Elizabeth Shaffer, proper noun [American] A daughter born on the 4th of February 2005 to Benjamin and Windy Shaffer at 11:22 am. She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 ½ inches. She brings reverie, responsibility, reality, and rejoicing.

2005-02-04 Elnorra's Face 10 Hours Old

2005-02-04 Elnorra 10 Hours Old