25 December 2006

Jaden Ainsley, the new addition to help prepare Elnorra for our new addition in April!

Elnorra received a Cabbage Patch Kid named Jaden Ainsley for Christmas.

22 December 2006

2006-12-22 Family picture aftermath. She was a napless hungry one. But she cheered up and this was such a cute picture with the one perfect tear drop.

01 December 2006

2006 December 1 "Too tired" Elnorra wouldn't take a nap in her bed...but she was obviously tired!

22 November 2006

2006-11-22 Ultra sound at 21 weeks. Though we suffered a miscarriage in May, we were greatly blessed to be pregnant again with in a few months. This pregnancy has been tougher than Elnorra's but all is well and we are looking forward to our new addition who is due to come on the 3rd of April, 2007. We don't want the doctor to tell us what we are having, but we both think that it's a boy.
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28 October 2006

2006 Halloween bat, cat and little witch

23 October 2006

2006-10-23 Elnorra's first hair do, she normally won't let us play with her hair.

19 October 2006

2006-10-19 Look, I'll actually wear a hat now!

16 October 2006

2006-10-16 Elnorra snuggling with daddy and "Sugar" bear

14 October 2006

2006-10-14 Elnorra 20 months old sprawled out

13 October 2006

2006-10-13 Elnorra in dangly earrings, this didn't last long!

04 October 2006

2006-10-04 Elnorra is ambidextrous (for now anyway)

03 October 2006

2006-10-03 Elnorra walking in mommy's shoes

22 July 2006

12 July 2006

2006-07-12 Elnorra's olive fingers, yummy and fun!

20 June 2006

2006-06-20 Building blocks

2006-06-20 Building blocks

2006-06-20 Building blocks

2006-06-20 Building blocks-look at what I did!

2006-06-20 Building blocks-last one, they didn't even fall down on me!

14 June 2006

2006-06-15 More fun with household items. Kleenex is so much fun to take out of the box! (P.S. I can reach stuff on the table now, can you tell?)

13 June 2006

2006-06-14 Baking fun, I found mommy's measuring cup with flour in it.

03 June 2006

2006-06-04 Elnorra in a basket (16 months old)

02 June 2006

27 May 2006

2006-05-28 Mommy shares when she cooks, yummy! In her $3 USD princess dress.

17 May 2006

12 May 2006

04 May 2006

Today was a sad and difficult day for us as Windy had a miscarriage and is no longer expecting a second child in November. Though we are very sad for our loss we also accept that the baby is gone and are greatful for Windy's renewed health and the doctor's "promise" that we will be able to have more children.

02 May 2006

2006-05-02 Happy healthy baby Elnorra with mom

18 April 2006

17 April 2006

2006-04-18 Elnorra at 14 months old still fit into the same Easter dress as last year! She sure didn't want to sit still for the photo because she's a toddler on the go now!

22 March 2006

Not only did Elnorra take her first step (and until April 10th her ONLY step with out assistance) as she stumbled into her dad’s arms at the restaurant. She said her first repeated and distinct word, bye-bye, which is accompanied with her Miss America wave and sounds like “bu-bu.” She also cut her first top tooth AND most significantly she was labeled “je-je” (older sister in Chinese) since we found out that she will be a big sister in November since we are now expecting our second child around November 17th.

14 March 2006

06 February 2006

3 before 1

Elnorra was born just before the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2005 in the Year of the Monkey. Her 1st birthday was after the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2006 (Year of the Dog). The way Chinese people say their age is by the change of the lunar year and you start out at one. So when she was a few days old she “turned” two (the Year of the Rooster). Since her 1st birthday was after the Lunar New Year in 2006 she was three years old before she was one!

05 February 2006

2006-02-05 More cake too, yummy!

2006-02-05 Spaghetti again, what fun and oh so messy!

04 February 2006

01 February 2006

2006-02-02 Elnorra, mom and antique Chinese baby cradle in the "water tower house" in Chiyi.

02 January 2006

Elnorra is healthy and happy and loves to smile and babble. She still likes to walk along furnature but doesn't seem interested in walking on her own yet. She also loves food and gets quite upset if we are eating and don't share with her! It's amazing what those 2 little teeth can do!

2006-01-02 Elnorra 11 Months Old