25 December 2007

Dilly snoozin' in the wagon on our walk. She was so adorable, though the picture doesn't do the moment justice.
Dilly's calm down song. "The Wheels On the Bus." No matter how mad she is in the car we can sing this till we are hoarse the instant we stop there she goes crying again.

24 December 2007

Christmas Day Dilly standing up and playing with toys in the changing table AKA "The Special Place"

23 December 2007

Christmas Eve, cute Dilly's 1st Christmas, Elnorra's first earache-it was awful and even ruptured on Christmas day. Poor girl.

12 December 2007

You Turn
Elnorra came to me with a "Little People" in a tricycle and was trying to tell me it was my turn to drive, not reffering to the U-turns she was doing on my leg with the tricycle at the time. Ah the joys of English!

07 December 2007

Cordelia started crawling today. She is getting more mobile every day. I had better hurry and finish moving in and baby proofing!

27 November 2007

Dilly is now able to move into a sitting position with out help. She is also nearly crawling.

20 November 2007

Happy Moment on "one of those days". we had a full out collapse at the post office today. Both girls screaming and throwing fits...when out at the car and feeding them crackers a woman came up to me and said something to the effect of "enjoy these times, these are the best times in your life" said without cynisism and a knowing glare to let me know it's worth all the fits for the smiles and hugs that do come.


15 November 2007

13 November 2007

Dilly can now pull to a stand. She just keeps growing and growing!

02 November 2007

Melody's big day. Elnorra and Cousin Kelsey were the flower girls and Aunt Alfred, Melody's mom, made the girls these beautiful dresses. True to her training Elnorra turned around and started cleaning up the flowers she'd thrown on the ground. Ah the delights of childhood. Second Cousins Don Kari at the reception. We use the wonderful red Elnorra bag for our frequent library trips. It was filled with a coloring book and crayons to keep her quiet during the wedding. Very thoughtful and clever.

31 October 2007

Assembling flowers for the wedding, Cordelia as a little lady bug for Haloween, and sitting up on the roacking chair in Aunt Diane Swensen's guest room.

30 October 2007

A short visit to the LDS temple when we drove through Alberquerque on our way to Denver/Boulder for cousin Melody's wedding.

18 October 2007

17 October 2007

Elnorra dutifully cleaning up after practicing being a flower girl.

08 October 2007

Elnoorra and dilly playing with "Little People" and Cordelia's formal 6 mo picture in the same dress Elnorra wore for her 6 month old pictures.

07 October 2007

Dilly sat up on her own for the first time today. Elnorra and Windy set the baby dolls to sit up with Dilly-Bee.

Elnorra and Cordelia playing with the vintage 70's "Little People" Aunt Emily saved for us to play with.

03 October 2007

Happy Half Birthday to Cordelia.

Family Tradition: The growth chart.

Dilly turned 6 months old today and we measured her on the old door frame that Windy's mom has moved from house to house and has Windy's growth record on it.

Elnorra is 2 years and 8 months old and is aasking for her hair to be put into 2 braids! These overalls are especially cute!

30 September 2007

Dilly napping with daddy at Grandee's house. 6 months old.

22 September 2007

After much ado we finally established a bedtime routine. Apparently it works spectacularly since there were two nights in a row that we were out during bed time and the routine worked and both kids went to sleep in strange beds.

Friday night we had dinner with our friend Rebecca "Anne" Andrle who lives in Tuscon.

On Saturday we were at Windy's sister's house. Elnorra is wearing her 3rd jammie top from cousin Kelsey as her nightly drink spilled twice over. She ended up wearing the t-shirt from the 2004 Johnson family reunion which Windy organized.

15 September 2007


Cordelia ate her first food (squash) at 5 1/2 months old.

Elnorra went pee-pee and pooh-pooh in the potty for the first time. We may actually be on the roll for true potty training!

13 September 2007

09 September 2007

Cordelia finally was tired enough to sleep anywhere, this is a first, she only sleeps in her personal space, not just where ever she is when she is tired.