30 April 2007

Nap time!
Words of the day:


Shadow- This was not prompted by any adult. She was walking along a shadowy area and pointed to a moving shadow and said shadow. As she repeated it several times it became increasingly apparent that she knew what she was saying and that her pronunciation was improving.

2007-04-30 Uncle Adam, Aunt Anni and little Dilly.

26 April 2007

Cordelia's umbilical cord came off and now she has a cute little cinnamon roll shaped belly button.
Phrase of the day:
Hello baby.

Word of the day:
Back (as she pats her sister on the back to help burp her)
Word of the day:

Phrase of the week:
Where ba-ba? (Where's dad (Chinese)).

She is now answering her own question. Where is dad, he is gone. She asks about dad's whereabouts about 10 times a day and runs to him when he comes home. Daddy's little girl.

25 April 2007

Word of the day:
Broken (she was handed a cup with a broken handle)

2007-04-25 Cordelia 3 weeks old on the comfy chair

24 April 2007

23 April 2007

2007-04-24 Daddy and Dilly napping.

We have been sleep deprived mostly because our girls are a tag team and one wakes up when the other is asleep. Naps are always at least as valuable for the parents than for the children at this stage.

We have had Elnorra for over two years and her nick names have always been longer (Elnorra-worra) or unrelated to her name (bubba-zoo). Cordelia was not even 5 hours old before we both started calling her Dilly. Ben called her Dilly-munch on her birth day and I often call her Dilly-willy.

21 April 2007

2007-04-21 What fun! We were invited to a BBQ at a friend's house and after Elnorra and Windy went swimming and played on the trampoline they got dressed and warmed up. Elnorra was still interested in playing with the other kids and found the mud puddle. Good thing we had a spare outfit! It's amazing to see her grow up and mature. Six months ago she wouldn't have cared what the other, older, kids were doing. Now she wants to be involved, but just don't know how she fits in yet.

19 April 2007

18 April 2007

2007-04-19 Elnorra loves to play with money and always takes the change out of our wallets and puts it into her purse. She also has a very good sense of paying for things, even though she has no concept of diffrent values. I will give her the necessarry amount and then she will pay for things, especially bannanas. She got to ride this electric car ride because she insisted on pulling out her purse and paying for it herself.

16 April 2007

17 April 2007 Cordelia's baby shower (2 weeks old)

Mom and baby.

Our amazing friend Bev Gams.

A big sister activity book for Elnorra.
Word of the day:

2007-04-16 Cordelia 2 weeks old

15 April 2007

13 April 2007

Words of the day:

Phrases of the day:
Baby Sister
Jei-Jei (older sister in Chinese)
Mei-Mei (younger sister in Chinese)

2007-04-13 Sad with dad.

11 April 2007

10 April 2007

Word of the day:
Nail (finger nail)

08 April 2007

07 April 2007

Words of the day:
pacifier "fier"

Gee you'd think she just got a little sister!

06 April 2007

Word(s) of the day:
Amen (at the end of dinner prayer, she's never repeated it back before)

05 April 2007

Phrase of the day:
no wanna (ah, the grammatical embarrassment of it)

02 April 2007

All American-(Made in Taiwan)

Cordelia Anne Shaffer was born in Taipei, Taiwan at 11:04 am on the 3rd of April, 2007 (her due date). She had an easy and natural entrance into this mortal existence and mom and baby are doing extremely well.

8 pounds 8 ounces (3850 g)
21 inches (54 cm)

Cordelia-Latin-Heart; Irish-Jewel of the sea; Astronomical-innermost of Uranus’ moons; Literary-The virtuous daughter of King Lear

AnneHebrew-Favor. Grace.


2007-04-03 Mommy with Cordelia on her birth day.

2007-04-03 Dady and Cordelia on her birth day.

2007-04-03 And then there were four.

01 April 2007

Words of the day:
Words of the day:
Bean (Jelly bean-We celebrated Easter today)

Phrase of the day:
No, no, I blow (bubbles).

She is also starting to really understand the diffrence between up & down, on & off, open & closed. She still often says the opposite word, but is more accurate every day.