28 August 2007

With GranDee and the Safari Park in Rancho Sahuarita

24 August 2007

The Heirloom Cradle. Here is the first opportunity we had to put cordelia in the cradle that was purchased for Windy before she was born.

21 August 2007

14 August 2007

Playing at the public park in Beaver.

Aunt Anni and Daddy ready to leave Beaver for the Summer

Traveling with cats and kids. What fun! Oliver and Kaylee we so thrilled to be back with the family for the summer. They stayed with Ken and Lorie most of the time we were in Taiwan. They were so thrilled to live at Beaver. They don't really like each other and have opposite personalities. Kaylee is a hunter and was called the Ghost cat by some staffers who never saw her. Oilver, on the other hand is my "dog-kitty" and lived the entire time in the lodge lapping up any and all human attention he could. Windy has had Oliver since 1998 and Kaylee was adopted in 2001. Oliver and Kaylee went back to Ken's during the long transition. but Oliver moved back with us at Christmas time. Poor Kaylee is still at Ken's as we have a small apartment.

06 August 2007

03 August 2007

Elnorra at two and a half in her new car seat. It looks like we will need to find a pillow solution.