24 April 2008

Dilly took her first steps today!


22 April 2008

ben's favorite childhood toy "baby bunny" and Elnorra dressed up in the bunny suit our friend Anne made for her.

14 April 2008

04 April 2008

Mexico "over-the-border" trip with Uncle Joe. forgot our passports, even though we have them and there has been such media attention about needeing them to walk across the border now. Fortunatly they let us back in anyway. Now I carry them with me just in case. (Living just a 45 minute drive north of the border it's actually probable that we will "just happen" to go.)

03 April 2008

02 April 2008

Cordelia turns 1. Measured on the family wall.
Dilly's First Birthday! We went out to breakfast with Grandee. She was given a little baby doll and can give such cute hugs to all, especially the little dolly!