29 October 2008

Phrase of the day (Dilly)
Tha i "there it is"
Word of the day (Dilly)

Phrase of the day (Elnorra)
"What can I do to help?"

23 October 2008

Dilly's finally talking. She's been babbling for a long time and has used her favorite syllable "that" as her all purpose word/sound for many months. Today she finally repeated after me: say momma "mommy" then say daddy "ba-ba". Ah ha! The light of comprehension has been lit. Or she's just willing to lower her intellectual standards to finally humor her parents. Within the last week she's been saying Mommy, Ba-Ba/Da-da/Daddy as well as "owwie", dog and cat, but refused to repeat to let us know she's really comprehending and deliberately saying things. With her hand in a splint I though I even heard her her say "owwie mommy" ...

I'm excited that mommy is the first "official repeat after me word" as Elnorra took over a year of talking before she said "mom" in any variety!

16 October 2008


Learning to count. Elnorra has a lot of fun singing numbers, she has 1 to 5 down and then skips to 8 and then goes to 11. Repeating 8-11 as her favorite combination. She also throws in an occasional 82.

She's almost grown out of saying eleven-teen. But it's so cute I have to mention that it was a common occurrence for a couple of months.

09 October 2008

The vicissitudes of life

First trip to the Urgent Care

Our first medical trauma. Friday night, seemingly without any cause Cordelia started crying and holding her wrist. When she still seemed to be in real pain after dinner and a snuggle with mama we figured that she was probably hurt badly enough to warrant a trip to the urgent care. We took her and they thought it was probably a fractured wrist! Well, we have been keeping it in this splint and icing it often. She has had some bad swelling and pain but now, two weeks later, it is beginning to seem comfortable again. Her pediatrician said that he cannot confirm an actual fracture, which is good news I suppose but now we are just playing it by ear and trying to encourage her to go easy on it. Here is a picture of her napping (the only time lately she can hold still) with her splint.

02 October 2008

Cordelia's first hair cut! Just a trim of the bangs to keep her hair out of her eyes.


Dilly does not yet have any words, but really understands a lot of what is going on. Today Grandee wanted to know if she liked the new drinking glasses she bought. She asked Dilly about the glass and Dilly immediately pointed to Grandee's reading glasses. Well at least she's making a connection. This reminds of the time when Elnorra brought me a straw when I was talking about STRAWberries.