23 October 2008

Dilly's finally talking. She's been babbling for a long time and has used her favorite syllable "that" as her all purpose word/sound for many months. Today she finally repeated after me: say momma "mommy" then say daddy "ba-ba". Ah ha! The light of comprehension has been lit. Or she's just willing to lower her intellectual standards to finally humor her parents. Within the last week she's been saying Mommy, Ba-Ba/Da-da/Daddy as well as "owwie", dog and cat, but refused to repeat to let us know she's really comprehending and deliberately saying things. With her hand in a splint I though I even heard her her say "owwie mommy" ...

I'm excited that mommy is the first "official repeat after me word" as Elnorra took over a year of talking before she said "mom" in any variety!

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